I’ve Got a Bad Case of Poetry


I've Got a Bad Case of Poetry brings together the delight of words, rhythm, rhyme, and images to instill a love of poetry in kids.

A couple years ago, my children and I were participating in a weekly poetry tea time with other families over Zoom (inspired by the poetry tea during Hutchmoot Homebound!) where our children would read poems to each other from beloved names like Robert Louis Stevenson and Shel Silverstein. I loved watching our children delight in rhymes, puns, and other wordplay.

In that same season, I was actively participating in multiple online groups of poets where I was hearing and seeing delightful poems workshopped by talented writers. I loved getting to see other poets’ strengths in an internal rhyme or the turn of a line.

It was the marriage of these two loves that birthed a new idea: I could introduce these two groups of people to one another through a new, fully illustrated anthology of poetry for children written by my many talented poet friends.

This project is the culmination of that dream. It’s going to be something special, entirely made by humans, and I can’t wait for you to see it.

–Rachel S. Donahue, Editor, I've Got a Bad Case of Poetry


The Mother of All Words